Kelvin Amoaba

🇬🇭• software engineer • writer

understanding low level stuff • system architecture

web architecture • compilers


iShortn:A dynamic links and url shortener and QR code generator. Built as a result of firebase shutting down their dynamic links service and other alternatives being too expensive. Now have 30+ users and over 200 daily uses.

Bazaar:Bazaar is an automated web scraping tool, capable of developing web scrapers for any website in a few clicks, including deployment to the cloud.

OpenStatus:Active contributor to OpenStatus. 🏓 The open-source monitoring platform with incident management 🏓

Scrapy BigQuery Pipeline:Contributed to the development of an open-source bigquery pipeline for Scrapy framework

Vinyl:A music store built with Django Rest Framework, PostgreSQL and integrated with Stripe This project is a backend API for a music store, with features like authentication, authorization, payment processing. It allows users to buy music and artists to sell their music by uploading it to the platform and getting paid for every sale.

Studyfuse:Studyfuse is an online forum for students and teachers to ask questions and share ideas, developed during my time in college for fellow students.

Kairos: A laboratory management system built with Python, Django, PostgreSQL and Bootstrap. Kairos solved the problem of record keeping and management of patients' data as well as financial records. It allowed to register new parents, capture their data, and store them in a database. Performing revenue analysis and generating reports.